the agreement by Maia.goldfarb
המגרה השלישית של סבא
the story so far is about a kid that really likes to go to his grandfathers house. in the house there is an office witch is his favorite room in the office there are three drawers two of witch he is allowed to go in and one he can not. when he is left at the house alone he goes to get stuff out of the the top drawers when he sees the key on the shelf. he opens up the drawer and sees what is inside. I think that there are things in the drawer that he has from when he was taken away by the Germans. one of the things could be the star that all the jews where given during the war.
this years reflection
this year i achieved learning new vocabulary. it was helpful learning all of it in class and also playing Wordwall and Gimkit.
this year i don’t really think that blogging helped me grow.
my tips for the next grade 5 is to take a lot of time to study for tests.
My SMART goals reflection
This year my goal was to get less frustrated when I don’t understand. I think I achieved it for the most part by asking for help if I need it. I think I might have to try more next year though. I think not getting frustrated as much helped with work and not just wanting to give up even if i just started. I think it has helped me in math a lot too.
Public speaking reflection
yesterday was public speaking. it was really nice watching everyone speak in front of the class, i was the 18th person to go up and speak. i really enjoyed doing my presentation, the thing i liked about it was the topic having no more homework would be really great . But i think i could have looked at the class a little bit more instead of looking at the flash cards.
one of my favorites was Starielle’s speech, there was a lot of detail and hard work put into it, i also loved the life jacket she put on. for one of the speeches they were talking really fast so i think that could be something they could slightly improve for next time.
i really don’t like talking in front of people but i think it is very important to practice especially before middle school and having to speak in front of a lot more people. this year public speaking went really well and i cant wait for next year.
her is my public speaking script just in case you want to read it
today i was asked what geometry was i looked up some information about it and here’s what i found.
it is a kind of math that deals with things like shapes and figures.
we’re learning figurative language
during the Passover seder i ate a million pounds of matzah.
the Passover break felt like one second.
איזה מסעדה אני אוהב
🍿שלום השם שלי מאיה אני בכיתה ה אני אוהבת לאכול פופקורן
about pareils,pas pareils
dans le bigining, on parle des jumeaux puis quelques années plus tard jouflue va chercher un jouet et prend une poupée qui a les cheveux très clairs elle veut des cheveux clairs comme sa poupée donc elle met des trucs sur sa tête ça ne marche pas alors elle coupe les cheveux de sa poupée et se les colle sur la tête elle devient triste alors son oncle lui offre une poupée qui lui ressemble
reflection sur ma classe de francais
Je suis fière de mon project de festival
J`ai aimé c`est l`automne
Je n`ai pas aimé DELF